Monthly Archive: June 2006


thes­pi­ans, farewell

Oh, it’s sad! We’ve all had such fun togeth­er. To think ten weeks have gone by since I first ven­tured into the doors of CityLit.…

Curie sweeps Sports Day! 0

Curie sweeps Sports Day!

Yes, after ear­ly minor dis­as­ters like for­get­ting the Blue Shirt that would iden­ti­fy Avery as a Curie house mem­ber, and the school’s not let­ting her…


The Case of the Pre­ten­tious Sneakers

Lord have mer­cy, I have reached a new low in this town where mon­ey can seem like anoth­er mem­ber of the fam­i­ly: con­stant­ly dis­ap­pear­ing when…