Monthly Archive: February 2009


of good neigh­bors and great dinners

Oh, Sat­ur­day was a day. Or rather, Sat­ur­day night was a night. There I was, inno­cent­ly con­coct­ing focac­cia in my cozy after­noon kitchen, Avery and…


Hap­py Birth­day John!

Many of you will be famil­iar with the annu­al tus­sle between my beloved and me. As Feb­ru­ary 27 approach­es, my dai­ly query, “What are you…


the posh­est restau­rant ever

I’ve been work­ing so hard on my book! Real­ly. Increas­ing­ly more of every day is spent doing things to try to pro­duce real­ly good writing…