at least one Wash­ing­ton suc­cess story

It’s amaz­ing: some­thing good has come at last out of our nation’s cap­i­tal and it’s a remark­able tale: it costs almost noth­ing, requires no com­pro­mise, and open­ly con­tains pork: the ham hock kind!

Unit­ed States Sen­ate Bean Soup is a rel­ic of my hus­band’s child­hood, a dish I have heard glow­ing reports of all the 26 years I have known him, to the point that I was cer­tain no mere food­stuff could achieve all he claimed for it. And since until very recent­ly, beans and I have not been on speak­ing terms, there was no way I was pro­duc­ing some­thing in my kitchen that not only con­tained beans, but had the temer­i­ty to include them in the TITLE of the dish. At least chilli sound­ed innocu­ous to me, although I knew most recipes con­tained the hat­ed ingredient.

Well, in the last year I have flip-flopped so thor­ough­ly on the whole bean issue that I’m vir­tu­al­ly a spokesper­son for the Unit­ed States Dry Bean Coun­cil (yes, there is one, and in case you were won­der­ing, there are 13 mem­bers and five staff: a bit top heavy, you may say, but who knows what the work­load is). I actu­al­ly think I deserve a seat on an inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion, not one devot­ed mere­ly to jin­go­is­tic bean con­cerns. After all, my mus­ings are mid-Atlantic. But I digress.

Unit­ed States Sen­ate Bean Soup has, it turns out, been on the menu in the Sen­ate din­ing room con­tin­u­ous­ly, every sin­gle blessed day, for over a hun­dred years. Rumor has it (yes, in Wash­ing­ton even beans are vic­tims of the rumor mill) that two dif­fer­ent Sen­a­tors pro­posed recipes for this del­i­ca­cy, but my moth­er in law, when ques­tioned, plumped imme­di­ate­ly for the ver­sion attrib­uted to Sen­a­tor Fred Dubois of Ida­ho, because it con­tains, guess what: POTA­TOES. Now for those of you who are my inter­na­tion­al read­ers, I must give you a very short his­to­ry of the state of Ida­ho. It pro­duces a LOT of potatoes.

My expe­ri­ence with this soup is a lit­tle unfair, trad­ing as it does on a superbly braised ham hock from my East­er din­ner, the ham itself a king among pork prod­ucts com­ing from Mr Sten­ton’s per­son­al store, down the road at my neigh­bor­hood butch­er here in Ham­mer­smith. The solu­tions to this are two. One, you too can acquire a superb gam­mon joint from your Eng­lish butch­er, braise it for East­er, and use the ham hock in your soup. Or you can fol­low the recipe below, and see how it goes. I have to con­fess as well (since I’m not real­ly much of a DC insid­er, I like to con­fess things) that where the recipe calls for water to cov­er (about six cups of water), I had at my dis­pos­al two cups of gold­en brown elixir in the form of the liq­uid that gath­ered in my brais­ing dish: most­ly ham juice, but mixed in was the orig­i­nal hon­ey-mus­tard mari­nade. Unfair, I know! But this all means that you must sim­ply fol­low my East­er recipe and THEN make your soup. It’s not that hard to think ahead, after all.

This recipe makes me proud, as do so many things com­ing out of Wash­ing­ton these days, to be an Amer­i­can. So hand on the bible, flag wav­ing in the back­ground, I give you:

Unit­ed States Sen­ate Bean Soup
(serves 8)

4 cups Navy beans (if you’re in Amer­i­ca; here in the UK I used hari­cots, or fla­geo­lets would be fine)
1 ham hock with meat still cling­ing to it
4 medi­um (Ida­ho) potatoes
4 stalks cel­ery, chopped
2 white onions
4 cloves gar­lic, minced
large hand­ful pars­ley, chopped

Bring the ham hock and beans to a boil in a large stock­pot cov­ered with water (and the ham cook­ing liq­uid if you’re lucky). Mean­while, boil the pota­toes until soft, then drain and mash. Add to the ham liq­uid and mix thor­ough­ly. Bring to the boil again, then add the chopped veg­eta­bles, includ­ing the pars­ley. Bring to the boil one more time, then sim­mer for at least an hour (but indef­i­nite­ly will do). When near­ly ready to serve, take the ham hock out and when cool enough to han­dle, take the usable meat from it and add in bite-sized pieces to the broth. Serve with crusty bread to soak up juices.


Be sure not to salt this soup and the ham itself will be salty enough. This soup will warm not only your insides, but your heart and that of your fam­i­ly, when they enter the house to smell the aro­ma. Pure lux­u­ry, on an afford­able scale.

Let’s see, tomor­row is sushi in Pic­cadil­ly with my friend Jo from Oxford, then off to “The View From the Bridge” with Ken Stott. Avery will have a sleep­over with a friend because some­thing tells me the play is NOT fam­i­ly friend­ly. But it’s one of those Lon­don priv­i­leges that we must take advan­tage of. Until I’m sum­moned to the Bean Coun­cil, that is. Next up: Crispy Lame Duck.

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