Monthly Archive: May 2009


Much Ado about wings and tuna

Right, you all know I am a suck­er for a pic­nic: fit­ting foods into lit­tle con­tain­ers and pack­ing them up in the wick­er pic­nic basket,…


All’s Well… (well you know)

I think that mag­i­cal phrase can be uttered: Sum­mer Has Arrived! Of course our stan­dards in Eng­land are slight­ly dif­fer­ent from those in Amer­i­ca, some…


the LOVELI­EST day

Noth­ing spe­cial to report: just that the Food Fes­ti­val at Hamp­ton Court was very nice, with a cou­ple of reser­va­tions: one, it was called the…