Monthly Archive: September 2013


Beef Fil­lets Duxelles

Beef Fil­lets Dux­elles (serves 4) 4 fil­let steaks (or sir­loin if you pre­fer) 4 tbsps but­ter 1 1/2 pounds chest­nut or Por­to­bel­lo mush­rooms, chopped fine…


But­ter­nut Squash Puree

  But­ter­nut Squash Puree (serves 4) 1 large but­ter­nut squash driz­zle olive oil 1 tbsp but­ter fresh black pep­per to taste sea salt to taste 3 tbsps half-fat…


how much can one girl eat?

I have a con­fes­sion to make: I am not real­ly all that enthu­si­as­tic about veg­eta­bles. I blame my child­hood in which — with the exception…