Monthly Archive: March 2014


appre­ci­at­ing the ordinary

I have been an absolute rub­bish blog­ger late­ly.  I’ll explain why, and then how my beau­ti­ful moth­er changed my mind. Some­times does­n’t life just seem relentlessly…


Arti­choke and Bacon Frittata

  (serves 6) 8 oz/225g raw bacon arti­choke hearts (1 6oz jar mar­i­nat­ed in olive oil, or fresh-steamed from 3 globe arti­chokes, or the raw sliced…


thank you, Face­book, for Charlie

A dis­trac­tion, a mas­sive time-waster, a post­mod­ern con­ver­sion of true friend­ship into a series of “likes,” call it what you will.  I love Face­book. The…