Monthly Archive: January 2016


wind­ing down the longest month

This ever­last­ing month of Jan­u­ary!  It feels so much longer than oth­er months, a month to get through, full of solv­ing innu­mer­able small prob­lems, a…


Tar­ka Daal

Tar­ka Daal (serves lots, per­haps 6–8) about 1 cup/250 grams orange, yel­low or brown lentils about 3 cups water 1 medi­um toma­to 1 medi­um onion 3 cloves gar­lic 1…


fill­ing up January

Why do I feel it’s been a grey two weeks since we returned from our Christ­mas hol­i­day?  I said so to myself this morn­ing, adding…