

New Orleans Beignets

(makes about 4 dozen, so you can pop some of the dough in the freez­er, or share with your friend who loaned you the Kitchen Aid mixer)

2 tsps (1 enve­lope) active dry yeast

125 ml/1/2 cup water at pre­cise­ly 46C/115F

1 tsp gran­u­lat­ed sugar

250 ml/1 cup evap­o­rat­ed milk

2 large eggs, beat­en slightly

1 tsp salt

112g/1/2 cup gran­u­lat­ed sugar

250 ml/1 cup water at pre­cise­ly 46C/115F

55g/1/4 cup butter

900g/7 cups plain/all-pur­pose flour

In the bowl of the stand mix­er, place the yeast, warm water, and 1 tsp sug­ar.  Mix well and leave to sit five min­utes.  Add milk, eggs, salt and sug­ar and mix well.

Microwave sec­ond quan­ti­ty of water until the pre­cise tem­per­a­ture is reached, then melt the but­ter in it.  Add to the yeast mix­ture and on low pow­er, mix well.  Grad­u­al­ly add the flour until a sticky dough is reached (you may not need the last 125g/cup or so).  Place in an oiled bowl and turn the dough so it is all oiled, then cov­er tight­ly with cling film and refrig­er­ate for at least 4 hours, but up to 1 week.

Grab a hand­ful of this dough and place onto a well-floured sur­face, then flour the dough fur­ther.  Roll out to half-cen­time­ter/1/4″ thick and cut into squares of your desired size, with a piz­za cut­ter.  Bring oil in your fry­ing pan or deep-fry­er to 180C/350F and fry the beignets on one side for about 1 minute, or until gold­en brown, then turn and fry anoth­er minute, or until gold­en brown.  Remove to a cool­ing rack and dust with icing sugar.

half beignet


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