Category: Desserts


Orlan­do’s Amaz­ing Choco­late Fridge Cake

Orlan­do’s Amaz­ing Choco­late Fridge Cake (makes about 30 brown­ie-shaped por­tions)  300g dark choco­late 125g but­ter, salt­ed or not 200–250g mixed dried fruit (sul­tanas, raisins, cran­ber­ries, blueberries)…


Cit­rus Olive Oil Cake

I won’t use the word we’re all think­ing of, obvi­ous­ly, but this cake real­ly is.  Sticky, juicy, “not dry.”  Deli­cious, in oth­er words.  I made…


Cit­rus Shortbread

Orange and Lemon Short­bread (makes about 3 dozen) 1 cup/225 grams unsalt­ed but­ter 1/2 cup/110 grams granulated/caster sug­ar 1 1/2 cup/225 grams plain flour 1 cup/110 grams…