Lemon Blue­ber­ry Cake

(serves 10)

225 g/1 cup unsalt­ed but­ter, softened

200 g/1 cup caster/white sugar

4 eggs

zest of 3 lemons, fine­ly grated

zest of 1 lime, fine­ly grated

130 g/1 cup self-rais­ing flour, or plain flour with 1 tsp bak­ing pow­der added

2 hand­fuls blueberries

driz­zle topping
juice of 3 lemons

65 g/1/2 cup  icing/powdered sugar

Beat the but­ter and sug­ar till soft and fluffy, then beat in eggs one at a time. Stir in zests and flour gen­tly until ful­ly mixed (includ­ing the bak­ing pow­der if you are using plain flour). Tip into a but­tered and floured loaf pan or pie plate and smooth the top flat with a spoon.  Sprin­kle on blue­ber­ries in a sin­gle layer.

Bake for about 45 min­utes in an oven set to 185C, 350F. Watch care­ful­ly, because all ovens are dif­fer­ent. Take care not to burn bot­tom or brown top too much. The cake is done when the mid­dle of the top does­n’t jig­gle when pressed gen­tly. Err on the side of bak­ing less rather than longer.

Cool cake enough so that you can han­dle the tin. In the mean­time, mix the lemon juice and sug­ar till dis­solved. Prick the top of the cake all over with a fork and then SLOW­LY driz­zle the mix­ture over it. You may not need it all, depend­ing on how driz­zly you like your cake.  Serve warm.

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