Arti­choke and Bacon Frittata


(serves 6)

8 oz/225g raw bacon

arti­choke hearts (1 6oz jar mar­i­nat­ed in olive oil, or fresh-steamed from 3 globe arti­chokes, or the raw sliced hearts of 6 spiny artichokes)

6 eggs

2/3 cup/155g cream

8 oz/225g goat cheese

fresh black pepper

Fry the bacon in a heavy oven-proof fry­ing pan, then add arti­choke hearts and warm them through.  Scat­ter both these ingre­di­ents even­ly over the bot­tom of the pan.

Mix the eggs and cream well and pour the mix­ture into the pan, shak­ing gen­tly to cov­er the bot­tom.  Dot the sur­face with the goat cheese and sprin­kle with black pep­per.  Bake at 350F/180C for about 20 min­utes or until the eggs are set.  Serve hot or warm.

1 Response

  1. Rachel says:

    Lit­er­al­ly all my favorite tastes are rep­re­sent­ed here…

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