Chick­en and Beef Stir-Fry with Mixed Vegetables

Chick­en and Beef Stir-Fry With Roast­ed Peanuts, Mixed Veg­eta­bles and Ginger

(serves 4)

2 chick­en breasts, skin removed, sliced thin

1 sir­loin steak, sliced thin

1/3 cup/80 ml good dark soy sauce

good glug toast­ed sesame oil

good glug Mirin (Japan­ese rice wine)

6 cloves gar­lic, minced

1 red pep­per, cut into chunks

1 small head broc­coli, cut into florets

2 hand­fuls sug­ar snap peas, cut in half

2 car­rots, sliced as you like

bas­mati rice, steamed

3 tbsps peanut/groundnut oil

large knob gin­ger, peeled and sliced thickly

1 cup raw peanuts

chili flakes to gar­nish, if desired

Place the chick­en and beef in a medi­um bowl and add the soy, oil and Mirin, sprin­kle with gar­lic and stir well.  Set aside to mar­i­nate while you pre­pare the veg­eta­bles and steam the rice.

Now, with 1 tbsp of the peanut oil in a large fry­ing pan, fry the gin­ger slices until light­ly browned.  Remove to a large bowl.  Add the peanuts to the hot fry­ing pan and roast until slight­ly browned but not burned.  Remove with a slot­ted spoon and place in the large bowl.

Add the fur­ther 2 tbsps peanut oil to the fry­ing pan and cook the veg­eta­bles gen­tly, cov­er­ing with a large lid to steam them a bit.  When they are ten­der, remove them to the large bowl.

Pour the mar­i­nat­ed chick­en and beef into the fry­ing pan and cook until JUST cooked, not tough.  Add all the oth­er ingre­di­ents and toss over a high heat till hot through.

Serve with the bas­mati rice and sprin­kle with chili flakes if you like a bit of heat.

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