Chick­en Liv­ers with Mush­rooms on Toast

(serves 4)

2 tbsps butter

1 pound chest­nut mushrooms

1 banana shal­lot, minced

3 cloves gar­lic, minced

2 tbsps Madeira

1 dozen chick­en liv­ers, trimmed of all fat and sinews

3 tbsps single/light cream

sea salt and fresh black pep­per to taste

4 slices sour­dough toast

hand­ful chives, minced, to garnish

Melt the but­ter in a heavy fry­ing pan and fry the mush­rooms and shal­lot until nice­ly soft­ened.  Add gar­lic and soft­en as well.  Add chick­en liv­ers in a sin­gle lay­er, and cook, turn­ing occa­sion­al­ly, until just bare­ly cooked, but still pink inside (the out­sides will brown on con­tact with the hot met­al).  Add cream and sea­son to taste.  Pile onto toast and scat­ter chives over.  Serve hot.

2 Responses

  1. Auntie L says:

    This looks & sounds so (!!) good to me! Moth­er was a big lover of deep fried chick­en liv­ers, espe­cial­ly at The Chick­en Place Restau­rant near Jasper, IN. She also loved their giz­zards. So when­ev­er I was vis­it­ing with her in IN we’d make a vis­it over there to indulge in total glut­tony! You’ve brought back a great mem­o­ry, my won­der­ful niece.

  2. Oh my good­ness, The Chick­en Place! I LOVED that place! I won­der what hap­pened to the actu­al chick­en. Now I remem­ber the liv­ers. That’s prob­a­bly where Moth­er intro­duced them to me! Cheers for shar­ing that love­ly child­hood memory!

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