Every­thing Stir-Fry with Fried Rice

Every­thing Stir-Fry with Fried Rice

(serves 4 very hun­gry people)

4 chick­en breast fillets

2 fil­let steaks

3 tbsps soy sauce

2 tbsps toast­ed sesame oil

1 tbsp Mirin (Japan­ese rice wine)

1 tbsp peanut oil

1 bunch spring onions, sliced thin, put into two equal piles

6 cloves gar­lic, minced

1‑inch knob gin­ger, peeled and minced

1 tsp Chi­nese five-spice

2 orange or red bell pep­pers, cut in most­ly chunks, but one hand­ful minced and set aside

2 bunch­es aspara­gus, cut into bite-sized pieces

hand­ful frozen peas, thawed

1 cup bas­mati rice

3 eggs, beaten

2 tbsps peanut oil

sprin­kle of sesame oil and soy sauce

Cut the chick­en and beef into bite-sized pieces and add the soy, sesame, mirin and stir well.  Set aside.

Pour the first table­spoon of peanut oil in a heat­ed wok and cook the pep­per chunks and aspara­gus, and peas, plus one pile of spring onion slices, till they are soft­ened to your lik­ing.  Set aside in a bowl large enough to even­tu­al­ly hold all the ingre­di­ents for this dish.

Steam the bas­mati rice. Mean­while, pour the chick­en and beef plus their liq­uids, and the gar­lic and gin­ger and Chi­nese 5‑spice, into the hot wok and cook JUST until done.  Do not over­cook!  Place in the large bowl with the vegetables.

Pour the remain­ing two table­spoons of peanut oil into the wok and saute the sec­ond pile of spring onions, plus the hand­ful minced pep­per.  Add the eggs and scram­ble until done.  Add the steamed rice and sprin­kle on a bit of sesame oil and soy sauce, then toss all togeth­er.  Pour in the chick­en, beef and veg­eta­bles and toss until well-mixed.


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