Baked Rain­bow Trout with Gar­lic, Thyme and Lemon

rainbow trout

Baked Rain­bow Trout with Gar­lic, Thyme and Lemon

(serves 4)

4 rain­bow trout fil­lets, care­ful­ly pin-boned with tweezers

8 stalks thyme, leaves only

2 cloves garlic

juice of 1/2 lemon

gen­er­ous pinch sea salt

fresh black pepper

4 tsps butter

12 slices lemon

driz­zle olive oil

Line a bak­ing tray with alu­minum foil for easy clean­ing.  Lay the fil­lets, skin side down, in a sin­gle layer.

Sprin­kle the fil­lets with the thyme leaves.  Mince the gar­lic very fine­ly with the lemon juice and salt, to pul­ver­ize.  Sprin­kle over the fil­lets.  Pep­per light­ly and dot the fil­lets with the but­ter, then lay three slices on each fil­let and driz­zle olive oil over.

Bake at 220C/425F for 12–15 min­utes until cooked through.

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