Sim­ple Crab Sal­ad (serves four)

Sim­ple Crab Salad
(serves four)

1‑pound can crab­meat, refrigerated
1/4 cup red onion, chopped fine
3/4 cup mayonnaise
juice of half a lemon or lime
salt and pepper
half an avo­ca­do, sliced lengthwise
1 real­ly good heir­loom toma­to, cut in bite-sized pieces, or a hand­ful of grape toma­toes, cut in half lengthwise
pinch paprika
four slices but­tered toast

Mix the crab­meat, onion, mayo, and juide togeth­er, fold­ing gin­ger­ly so as not to break up the yum­my long pieces of crab claw. Then salt and pep­per to taste. DO NOT eat it all at this stage. Taste just a LIT­TLE. Then put on a large plate, mound­ed in the cen­ter. Sur­round with toma­to bites, and fan the avo­ca­do slices on top of the crab. Sprin­kle with papri­ka. Serve with but­tered toast.

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