The Ulti­mate Bar­be­cue Sauce for a Nice Veal Chop

The Ulti­mate Bar­be­cue Sauce, For a Nice Veal Chop

(serves 4)

4 1‑inch thick rose veal chops (the humane sort, from hap­py lit­tle calves)

for the mari­nade (allow 7 hours, no cheating)

about 250g/1/2 lb each: man­go, papaya, pineap­ple, peeled, seed­ed and cut in chunks

large knob gin­ger, peeled

8 cloves gar­lic, peeled

5 small red Thai chill­is, or to taste

4 stems fresh thyme, leaves only

for bar­be­cue sauce:

extra mari­nade, plus left­over from mar­i­nat­ing bag

200g/7 oz ketchup

40g/1/1/2 dark brown sugar

2 tbsps Worces­ter­shire sauce

cayenne pep­per to taste

large pinch salt

large pinch fresh ground pepper

In a small food proces­sor, pul­ver­ize all mari­nade ingre­di­ents until smooth as pos­si­ble.  Smoth­er veal chops in mari­nade and place in zip­pered plas­tic bag. Reserve any extra mari­nade, in a small saucepan. Refrig­er­ate chops for 3 hours, then turn over, mas­sag­ing plas­tic bag to coat all meat.  Refrig­er­ate a fur­ther 3 hours or longer, then remove from refrig­er­a­tor for 1 hour before cook­ing the chops.

Pour the left­over mari­nade from the plas­tic bag into the saucepan con­tain­ing the extra mari­nade.  Add the bar­be­cue sauce ingre­di­ents.  Cook over a low heat, cov­ered, for at least 15 minutes.

Heat grill to 425F/220C and place chops on grill, coat first side with bar­be­cue sauce, and grill for 4 min­utes, then turn and coat the sec­ond side and grill for a fur­ther 4 min­utes.  Repeat the bar­be­cue pro­ce­dure once more per side, cook­ing for about 2 min­utes each side until done to your desired done­ness.  Rest for a few min­utes, then slice each chop on the bias and serve with the rest of the bar­be­cue sauce.

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