Kick­starter is near­ly com­plete, and what a smash­ing success!

What a whirl­wind the last three weeks has been!  “Tonight at 7.30: One Fam­i­ly’s Life at the Table” is ever near­er reality.

Thanks to YOU all, with five days to go, we are very near­ly at 140% of our goal, which means Kick­starter has been un unbe­liev­able suc­cess.  Over 200 back­ers from every cor­ner of the globe, over 500 books spo­ken for!  Pop on over to the page to order yours, if you have had it on that list of things to do and just haven’t got­ten around to it.

We are just hours away from choos­ing our print­er, which means that the books will appear some­where between 8–9 weeks from now.  It will be an unbe­liev­able thrill to hold the books in our hands.

Mean­while, look what appeared in the post here in our Lon­don home this week!


My dar­ling niece Jane is famous for not recog­nis­ing me once when she came to Red Gate Farm because I was NOT wear­ing an apron!  It’s a com­plete thrill to see this one, but I’m not going to put it on until the book has gone to the print­er.  I just don’t quite believe it yet.

I have learned more than I can pos­si­bly tell you, through this process.  It’s been great fun hear­ing from peo­ple from all walks of my life: grade school right through grad school, bell-ring­ing, old the­atre days and musi­cal days, from for­mer babysit­ters and cur­rent Lost Prop­er­ty vol­un­teers.  Every­one wants a copy of “Tonight at 7.30”!

haddock page

Every­one has laughed with me over the sto­ry of the roast­ed turkey slith­er­ing to the kitchen floor dur­ing the film­ing of our Kick­starter video, and my loved ones have been very patient in their lis­ten­ing to my tales of the steep learn­ing curve.  More peo­ple than I could ever have dreamed pos­si­ble have jumped on board with our project, with orders com­ing from as far away as Sin­ga­pore, Aus­tralia and Den­mark, as close to home as Chiswick and Eal­ing, and as home­ly and sweet as my child­hood home­town of Indi­anapo­lis, John’s of Water­loo, and our pre­cious New York.  The most amaz­ing thing has been the num­ber of books ordered by peo­ple I’ve nev­er met — vir­tu­al friends from Face­book and the blog world, friends of friends whom I feel I know because they’ve been such loy­al read­ers and sup­port­ers.  And then there are per­fect strangers who have ordered the book.

I’m unrecog­nis­able to myself in all the techy things I’ve learned to do!  Who knew I could make a “screen shot”!

Screen Shot 2014-11-02 at 09.04.55

I sin­cere­ly hope lots of you will send me pic­tures of the book on your kitchen counter, spat­tered with olive oil and cream.

The next blog post will be about our recent adven­tures in Prague, where we took a few days away from the cook­book and savoured life as tourists.  Until then, thank you ALL for your sup­port and keep cooking!

carving turkey

4 Responses

  1. Rebekah says:

    Con­grat­u­la­tions, Kris­ten and Avery! I have been read­ing your blog since 2007 when I too was a NYer ex-pat in Lon­don. I’m very excit­ed to see the fin­ished prod­uct and to make some of the recipes back in my NY kitchen. :)

  2. kristen says:

    Rebekah! We are thrilled to have you along for the cook­book ride. What FUN to see these jour­neys go from New York to Lon­don and back again. PLEASE let us know how it goes once you receive your book. We just can’t wait.

  3. A Work in Progress says:

    Can’t wait to get the book! It will make me feel like there is a lit­tle bit of “Kris­ten in Lon­don” in Lan­cast­er, Pennsylvania!

  4. kristen says:

    Lan­cast­er, PA will nev­er be the same! :)

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