Per­fect French Fries


Per­fect French Fries

(serves 4)

1 pound pota­toes — King Edward, Desiree, any floury pota­to will do — cut into French-fry shapes

1 cup/227g lard/drippings

enough veg­etable oil to reach the required lev­el in your fryer

sea salt to taste

Run the cut pota­toes under run­ning water for a minute to remove starch, then place in enough water to cov­er and sim­mer for 20 min­utes.  Place on a rack and put in the freez­er for an hour.

Remove from freez­er and fry at 130C/260F for 4 min­utes.  Drain on paper tow­els and leave till you want to eat.

Just before you want to eat, fry at 190C/375F for about 4 min­utes (depend­ing on the thick­ness of the pota­to pieces) until gold­en brown.  Drain on kitchen paper and salt liberally.


2 Responses

  1. A Work in Progress says:

    Sounds yum­my! I won­der what type of pota­toes work best over here — they don’t usu­al­ly iden­ti­fy the types — we basi­cal­ly get Ida­ho or white. By the way, I am glad you are so hap­pi­ly busy these days, even though it means I don’t get to enjoy my vic­ar­i­ous views of Lon­don life as often as before.

  2. kristen says:

    Dear Work, I miss writ­ing so fre­quent­ly as well! Do “friend” me on Face­book and you’d get lots more fre­quent updates, if not as deep… but I promise to keep up the blog as well!

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