The Ulti­mate Salad

The Ulti­mate Salad

(serves four)

6 fresh beets

6 small­ish waxy potatoes

1 large artichoke

4 eggs

dozen strips streaky bacon

1 tbsp unsalt­ed butter

8 sea scallops

16 fresh anchovies, filleted

large hand­ful flat leaf pars­ley, chopped

4‑inch log goat’s cheese

green-olive-anchovy dress­ing to taste (per­haps 1/4 cup)

1 tbsp mayonnaise

fresh black pepper

This recipe will require about 90 min­utes’ notice, as you’ll need to roast the beets.  So wrap them in foil and pop them in a hot oven and then get to work on the rest of the method.

Boil the pota­toes until pier­ca­ble with a sharp knife, and set aside to cool.  Cook the arti­choke in an inch or so of water, cov­ered, until the leaves are eas­i­ly pulled from the arti­choke.  Remove to a cut­ting board to cool.  When it’s cool, pull off the low­er leaves until you’ve revealed the whole bot­tom.  Cut the bot­tom off, scoop out the choke, and slice the bot­tom thin­ly.  Set the slices aside in a bowl of lemo­ny water until need­ed.  Save the leaves to eat anoth­er time.

Boil the eggs until near­ly hard-cooked, then soak in cold water until needed.

Fry or bake the bacon until crisp, then drain on paper towel.

When the beets are cooked, peel them and cut in bite-sized pieces.  Arrange on a large plat­ter.  Cut the pota­toes in bite-sized chunks and add to the plat­ter. Scat­ter the arti­choke slices over the plat­ter. Peel the eggs and cut in quar­ters, and add to the plat­ter.  Crum­ble the bacon and scat­ter it over the oth­er ingredients.

When you are ready to eat, heat the but­ter in a stick-proof fry­ing pan.  When it stops bub­bling and sub­sides into foam, fry the scal­lops, about 1 minute on each side or until JUST cooked and opaque.  Put them on a cut­ting board to cool, and cook the anchovy fil­lets very briefly in the same but­ter, just until the brown fish turn a lighter col­or all through.  Remove to a plate to cool.

Scat­ter the pars­ley over the ingre­di­ents on the plat­ter.  Cut the goat’s cheese into bite-sized pieces and scat­ter over every­thing else.  When the scal­lops are cool, cut them in quar­ters and place on the sal­ad.  Arrange the anchovy fil­lets over every­thing and sprin­kle with fresh pep­per.  Mix the dress­ing and the may­on­naise until emul­si­fied and driz­zle it over the whole sal­ad.  Tuck in!

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