Home­made Rice Crackers

Home­made Rice Crackers

(makes about two dozen)

100g/3/4 cup gluti­nous rice flour
30g/1/3 cup cooked white rice, cooled
1/2 tsp high-qual­i­ty salt
2 tbsps rape­seed oil
4 square inch­es Nori (sea­weed)
1 tbsp sesame seeds
5–6  tbsps water
1 tbsp dark soy sauce

The trick to these lit­tle gems is to get them as thin as human­ly pos­si­ble.  The thin­ner, the crisper.

Place all ingre­di­ents but the water and soy sauce in a food proces­sor and blend until pow­dery.  With the machine run­ning, add the water in a trick­le just until the mix­ture begins to bind in a peb­bly way, stop­ping before the mix­ture becomes wet at all.

Turn the mix­ture out into a bowl and squish it togeth­er into a ball.  Take off bits about the size of a fin­ger­nail and place on a non­stick cook­ie sheet.  Cov­er with plas­tic wrap and press down hard with flat spat­u­la until the dough is very thin.  The crack­ers will not spread, so you can place them as close togeth­er as you like.

Bake at 180C/350F for about 5–6 min­utes or until the cen­ter of each crack­er is light, not gray (gray indi­cates dough is still raw inside).  Turn over care­ful­ly with a spat­u­la and bake again for a fur­ther 5–6 min­utes or until each crack­er is crisp and comes away eas­i­ly from the sheet.  Cool slight­ly and then with a pas­try brush, paint with soy sauce.

I imag­ine these crack­ers would stay fresh for a few days in a sealed jar, but mine nev­er made it that long.  So crisp, fresh and savoury, with a bit of cheese or pate, smoked salmon or hummous.

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