Per­fect Chick­en Liv­er Pate

(makes enough to fill three ramekins, 7x3 cm/3/1 inch approx.)

3 tbsps but­ter melted

1 small white onion, diced

3 cloves gar­lic, minced

1 bay leaf

1 pound chick­en liv­ers, trimmed of all sinew and stringy membrane

3 tbsps cold but­ter, cut in 6 pieces

1 tbsp double/heavy cream

2 tbsps brandy or Cognac

sea salt and pep­per to taste

Melt the but­ter in a fry­ing pan wide enough to accom­mo­date the chick­en liv­ers in one lay­er.  Cook onion and gar­lic with bay leaf till veg­eta­bles are soft, then remove bay leaf. Add trimmed chick­en liv­ers (it isn’t impor­tant to keep the liv­ers intact when you trim them). Cook just till ten­der. Place all in food proces­sor. Turn it on and through the top add, one at a time, the pieces of cold but­ter, puls­ing for a few sec­onds between each addi­tion, and then the cream and the brandy or cognac. Blend till smooth, then sea­son to taste.  Pass through a fine sieve, press­ing with a spat­u­la. Dis­card what remains and pour pate into ramekins. Chill at least 2 hours.  Serve with crack­ers or toast­ed baguette.

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