Monthly Archive: October 2010


adven­tures with wild boar

Trav­el, like so many oth­er pleas­ant things (mar­riage, for exam­ple) is all about com­pro­mise.  Unless you go abroad with peo­ple who share your inter­ests, unlike…


Flo­rence, heav­en­ly Florence

This trip to Flo­rence was a mile­stone for me: in a moment of epiphany, I real­ized that the word “Bronzi­no” con­jures up fishy recipes, these…


home­ly adventures

How qui­et the house sud­den­ly seems.  John’s mom went home yes­ter­day, depart­ing in a dull, sprin­kling rain com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent from the bril­liant blue skies of…