Rosie’s Divine Amaret­to Choco­late Mousse

(serves 6)

60g/2 oz amaret­to bis­cuits (approx­i­mate­ly 12), crushed

150g/6 oz high-con­tent choco­late (70% or more)

1 tbsp salt­ed but­ter, or unsalt­ed plus pinch salt

1 tbsp strong espres­so coffee

1 tbsp Amaret­to liqueuer

4 eggs, separated

1 tbsp white sugar

300 ml/1 1/4 c double/heavy cream

Line  a loaf tin with plas­tic wrap, then scat­ter half the crushed bis­cuits on the bot­tom. Melt the choco­late in a bowl placed over sim­mer­ing water, then stir in the but­ter, cof­fee and Amaret­to.  Set aside to cool.

Whisk the egg whites with an elec­tric mix­er or by hand until stiff.  Set aside.  Whisk the egg yolks and sug­ar togeth­er until thick­ened, creamy and about dou­bled in vol­ume, and set aside.  Whip the cream until just whipped.

Fold the egg whites into the choco­late mix­ture, then the yolk mix­ture, then the whipped cream.  Pour into loaf pan and scat­ter remain­ing bis­cuits on top.  Refrig­er­ate for at least 8 hours or overnight.  Ser­vice in slices with fresh berries, if liked, or whipped cream.  A glass of Amaret­to on the side would be love­ly as well.

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