those were the days

Well, lit­tle did I know when John took this pho­to­graph on our post-flood foot­path by the Thames that it would make me wax all nos­tal­gic just a few days later.

Because I have sprained my ankle.  Walk­ing down a slip­pery, rainy set of steps out­side a Chil­dren’s Cen­tre with my Home-Start infant strapped to my chest, I tripped.  Luck­i­ly I was able to save the baby and not sim­ply pitch down­wards onto both our faces, but the save was at the expense of my foot, which twist­ed under me at a most unnat­ur­al angle.  It took me just a moment to swal­low my yelp of aston­ished pain and to remind myself that I was there to HELP, not hin­der.  So I per­se­vered.  We walked the babies to their house, I kissed them and said good­bye, limped to my bicy­cle in the pour­ing rain and got myself home to the sofa.

I have hard­ly budged from there for three days. Ouch!

The love­ly thing has been hav­ing John and Avery cod­dle me, car­ry­ing laun­dry, clean­ing lit­ter box­es, fetch­ing bags of frozen peas for my ankle and hot water bot­tles to thaw the rest of me.  And John has been cook­ing!  A deli­cious sup­per of grilled pork chops, sauteed spinach and every­one’s favorite com­fort dish.

Pota­toes Dauphinoise

(serves 4 generously)

6 medi­um potatoes

1 tbsp butter

sprin­kle onion, gar­lic powders

sea salt and fresh black pepper

2 small shal­lots or 1 banana shal­lot, minced

1 cup/236ml whole milk

1 cup/236ml sin­gle cream

2 tbsps butter

Peel the pota­toes and slice them thin­ly or run them through the slicer of a food processor.

But­ter an oven­proof dish about 9 inches/22cm square.  Lay­er half the pota­toes on the bot­tom, then sprin­kle over minced shal­lot, onion and gar­lic pow­ders.  Add anoth­er lay­er of pota­toes, then mix milk and cream and pour over the pota­toes.  Dot in four places with the but­ter.  Bake at 425F/220 for about an hour, check­ing to make sure the pota­toes are not brown­ing too much and turn­ing down heat slight­ly if they are.  Serve hot.


My main accom­plish­ments since being felled have been read­ing all of “Loli­ta” at one sit­ting (a bit sick­en­ing, to be hon­est), and clean­ing up the entire recipe index on this love­ly blog!  No more dupli­ca­tions, no more find­ing chick­en meat­balls under “sal­ads,” no more unwant­ed recipes from many years ago, and lots of pho­tographs added.  Enjoy!

It’s the half-term “hol­i­day” which is a tiny bit of a joke because Avery has stacks of books, files and notes at which she is meant to stare for upwards of six hours a day.  The “mock” exams for these will occur right after the “hol­i­day,” so there’s no rest for the weary.  All she can do is sur­face now and then to take love­ly pho­tographs of the spring­like gar­den in our Feb­ru­ary win­ter.  We are very lucky to have been spared any flood­ing in this epic Eng­lish season.

The clock is tick­ing on my sprained ankle because this week is full of things to look for­ward to: cof­fee with friends, a mati­nee of “Les Mis” with Avery, lunch with a chum com­ing in from Oxford and din­ner with a long-await­ed vis­it­ing Chica­go friend!  So I shall sit here, patient­ly on my sofa, while life occurs all round me and I heal.  Wish me luck.

4 Responses

  1. john's mom says:

    Hav­ing just got­ten four inch­es of new snow on top of two and a half feet already stand­ing, your snow drops and cro­cus make me very hopeful. 

    Wait, what recipes from long ago did you dis­card? I have loved them all! Please tell me that you’ve only tweaked them to make the better!

    I won­der if you had a boot or some sort of sup­port for your ankle, could you at least stomp around a bit? On the oth­er hand cos­set­ing is not a bad thing either. Yes, go with the cos­set­ing, there’s way too lit­tle of that around!

  2. Kristin Yahnke says:

    Hope you are back up and run­ning in all direc­tions soon. The pota­to dish looks divine!

  3. jo says:

    I hope, hope you don’t have to cancel…but if you do, we will resched­ule — don’t push your­self if you can’t make it! Your ankle’s recov­ery is the most impor­tant thing at the moment! I am devour­ing “Long­bourn” which Focus Films (P&P moviemak­ers) has already pur­chased the rights for.…it’s the down­stairs sto­ry of the Ben­nett house­hold and unbe­liev­ably it’s a ter­rif­ic read! Just in case you can’t get off the couch.…XXXXX

  4. kristen says:

    Strap­pings, and long bor­ing days of rest have great­ly helped! Rest assured, John’s mom, noth­ing of val­ue has been stripped from the index. Just dumb stuff and rep­e­ti­tions and things in the wrong places. And Kristin and Jo, I ful­ly plan to be up and run­ning full steam ahead as of… Wednes­day! Look­ing for Long­bourn now. :)

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