Roast­ed But­ter­nut Squash Soup with Cal­va­dos and Sage

Roast­ed But­ter­nut Squash Soup with Cal­va­dos and Sage

(serves at least 4)

1 large but­ter­nut squash, cut in half lengthwise

but­ter to smear on each half

6 sage leaves

sea salt and pepper

1 shal­lot, rough­ly chopped

4 cloves gar­lic, rough­ly chopped

chick­en stock to cov­er all veg­eta­bles, at least 6 cups

good splash Calvados

sin­gle cream to drizzle

Lay the but­ter­nut squash halves, but­tered and with sage leaves on them, in a roast­ing tin and roast at 200C/400F for 45 min­utes.  Drip the melt­ed but­ter from them into a fry­ing pan and fry the shal­lots and gar­lic till soft.  Scrape the cooked squash and sage leaves into a large stock­pot and add the shal­lots and gar­lic and melt­ed but­ter.  Pour in chick­en stock to cov­er, then the Cal­va­dos.  Sim­mer for 10 min­utes then whizz with a hand blender till per­fect­ly smooth.  Driz­zle cream and serve hot.

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