Spinach and Leek Soup (serves six-ish for a starter)

4 tbsps butter
5 leeks, white parts only, sliced, washed and drained
1/2 white onion, chopped roughly
4 cloves garlic
at least 5 cups chick­en stock
1 large bag or large bunch spinach leaves, care­ful­ly washed
1 cup light cream
salt and pep­per to taste

Melt but­ter in a heavy-bot­tomed saucepan and sweat leeks, onion and gar­lic till soft. Pour over chick­en stock to cov­er, gen­er­ous­ly, and sim­mer for 45 min­utes. Add spinach and stir care­ful­ly till soft­ened, then whizz with a hand blender till com­plete­ly pureed. Add cream and sea­son to taste.

John sug­gests per­haps a driz­zle of cream at the end to gar­nish. You could serve with crispy toast and goats cheese, but we were pret­ty hap­py stand­ing up around the stove drink­ing it out of a ladle.

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