Monthly Archive: October 2012


Ham May­on­naise

Ham May­on­naise (serves four for lunch with crack­ers or bread) 1 lb chunk cold roast­ed ham hand­ful capers (rinsed if stored in salt), minced hand­ful cor­ni­chons or…


White and Milk Choco­late Chip Cake

White and Milk Choco­late Chip Cake (serves 8) 2 cups all-pur­­pose (plain) flour 3/4 cup sug­ar (cast­er) 1 tbsp bak­ing pow­der pinch of fresh-grat­ed nut­meg pinch…


a month of adventures

I am hard put to explain what on earth has been occu­py­ing me for the last month!  Here it is, Octo­ber already, with Avery’s two-week…