Monthly Archive: July 2014


Suzan­ne’s Sum­mer Peach Trifle

(serves 4) 150g/6 oz amaret­ti bis­cuits 3 tsp amaret­to 6 peach­es, peeled and sliced 200ml/7 oz cream, whipped hand­ful flaked/chopped almonds Crush bis­cuits and drizzle…


Gar­den Green Cur­ry with Chicken

(serves 6) 2 stems lemon­grass, out­er lay­er removed and cut in small chunks 6 cloves gar­lic 1 2‑inch knob gin­ger, peeled and cut in chunks…


Lon­don in July

It’s a first for us, spend­ing July away from Red Gate Farm.  And while I’ve grad­u­al­ly got used to ear­ly bits of July, even the…