Monthly Archive: June 2015



Gravad­lax (serves 6) 450g/1 lb fresh salmon fil­let 85g/5 tbsps gran­u­lat­ed sug­ar 70g/4 tbsps Mal­don salt 2 tbsps vod­ka juice of 1 lemon or lime 2 tsps fresh black…


Sim­ple Bear­naise Sauce

Sim­ple Bear­naise Sauce (serves 4) 225g/1 cup (two sticks) but­ter 3 tbsps white wine vine­gar 1 tsp white wine 1 banana shal­lot, fine­ly chopped 12 tar­ragon leaves,…


clear­ing the cob­webs again

And so it’s final­ly June.  The month of ros­es, clear­ly.  And but­ter­cups, who open brave­ly each morn­ing, and then fold their tiny petals at dusk.…