Avery’s Straw­ber­ry Nests

(one per person!)

8 sheets puff pas­try, cut a lit­tle larg­er than the size of your indi­vid­ual tart pan
3 tbsps melt­ed butter
hand­ful choco­late chips, melted
home­made straw­ber­ry whipped cream (recipe below)
2 straw­ber­ries, halved
1 tbsp rasp­ber­ry coulis (recipe below)

Brush but­ter on each sheet of puff pas­try in turn and pile them up. Then nes­tle them into the tart pan. Spread the bot­tom with melt­ed choco­late, and fill up the tart with whipped cream. Arrange the straw­ber­ries on the cream and driz­zle with coulis. Gorgeous!

Straw­ber­ry Whipped Cream

1/2 pint whip­ping cream
dash vanil­la extract
2 tbsps sug­ar (less if you like)
3 straw­ber­ries, quartered

Place all the ingre­di­ents in your Mag­im­ix and whizz until the cream is whipped, tak­ing care that you don’t whip it too long and end up with straw­ber­ry butter!

Rasp­ber­ry Coulis

1 pint raspberries
2 tbsps sugar
juice of 1/2 lemon

Sim­mer all ingre­di­ents in a small saucepan, press­ing on the berries with a spoon. Cook down until liq­uidy, then pass through a sieve into a cup, to elim­i­nate the seeds. Return to saucepan and cook down till reduced by about half.

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