Home­made Toma­to Soup

(serves 8)

2 tbsps olive oil
1 tbsp butter
6 cloves gar­lic, rough­ly chopped
1 white onion, rough­ly chopped
2 pounds fresh plum toma­toes, quartered
3 cups chick­en stock
hand­ful fresh rose­mary stalks, leaves removed and rough­ly chopped
1/2 cup sin­gle (light) cream

zest of 1 lemon
1/2 cup sour cream
fresh ground black pepper

Prep is sim­plic­i­ty itself. Heat olive oil and but­ter in a large saucepan and add gar­lic and onion to wilt slight­ly. Add toma­toes and stock and rose­mary, sim­mer for 1/2 hour or until toma­toes soft. Puree with a hand blender and put through a sieve into anoth­er saucepan. Add light cream. When serv­ing, sprin­kle each bowl with a bit of lemon zest, a dol­lop of sour cream and a grind of pep­per. Done, dust­ed, PERFECT.

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