Jean­ne’s Pink Sum­mer Gazpacho

1 cup sliv­ered almonds or pine nuts

2 pieces white or wheat bread or 1 cup breadcrumbs
6 fresh plum toma­toes, cut in quarters
1/2 long hydro­pon­ic cucum­ber, or two small kir­bys, sliced
1/2 cup veg­etable oil
1/2 cup cider vine­gar (you can use bal­sam­ic but it will change the col­or and fla­vor of the soup to some­thing more intense)
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tbsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp chili pep­per or cayenne
salt and pep­per to taste
2 cups chick­en broth
1 cup half and half
1 avo­ca­do, cut in small bite-size pieces

Pul­ver­ize the almonds or pine nuts in a Cuisi­nart, then whiz in the bread. Add the toma­toes, cucum­ber, oil and vine­gar and spices and pul­ver­ize until smooth. Pour into a very large bowl and add the chick­en broth and half and half and blend well. Taste it and add more of what­ev­er spices or salt you think is need­ed. Chill thor­ough­ly and serve with a lit­tle group of avo­ca­do pieces mound­ed in the cen­ter. Deli­cious, and so good for you! If you like a more ele­gant soup, you can peel the cucum­ber first, or you can strain the soup. But I find the green bits and the nut­ty bits are very nice.

1 Response

  1. July 16, 2013

    […] of cold soup, one of the best things you can make and eat in hot weath­er is my friend Jeanne’s “Pink Sum­mer Gaz­pa­cho.”  Unlike tra­di­tional gaz­pa­chos which are chunky and bright­ly col­ored with tomato, […]

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