Monthly Archive: February 2006


The the­atre, and the Continent!

Pre­pare your­selves for a long mes­sage from me today! Maybe read half, make your­self a cup of tea, and come back lat­er. So much has…

almost for­got Avery’s achievements! 0

almost for­got Avery’s achievements!

Avery had two red let­ter mile­stones this week: she was award­ed the cov­et­ed Pen License from her beloved Mrs. Bick­ley, which puts her in the cat­e­go­ry of…

the school lunch dilemma 0

the school lunch dilemma

It seems a uni­ver­sal­ly accept­ed truth: lunch at school does not count as food. OK, it’s ham­pered from the get-go by the sad fact that…