Monthly Archive: June 2006


is there a cat psy­chol­o­gist in the house?

Well, all right, here he looks pret­ty hap­py. At least he’s not clock­ing his sis­ter Keechie over the head. But in gen­er­al, Wim­sey needs some…


we’ve won the Group!

What­ev­er that means! But it’s clear­ly good news for Eng­land. Isn’t this a gor­geous pho­to by Sam Tay­lor-Wood? We end­ed up in a draw with…


choose your distraction

Well, reports of my recov­ery were sad­ly pre­ma­ture: it’s tak­ing me longer to get over this tum­my trou­ble than I would like. The down­side of…