Monthly Archive: August 2006

Cal­gon, dou­ble time! 2

Cal­gon, dou­ble time!

At least you’re see­ing this skunk in day­light hours! But I’m get­ting ahead of myself. Let me describe to you my day. Oy veh. Actu­al­ly it…


hot­ter than Hesse

Now that the tem­per­a­ture has returned to nice nor­mal Con­necti­cut num­bers not in the triple dig­its, I can look at this pho­to and rec­og­nize that…

wel­come back, Sad­off style 0

wel­come back, Sad­off style

Well, would­n’t you know that my friend Alyssa Sad­off would not let our arrival in Amer­i­ca go unher­ald­ed. We had all arranged our pic­nic lunch…