Monthly Archive: August 2007


good­bye woodfires

Sum­mer is back! I can’t believe that two nights ago it was so chilly and damp that I was cook­ing: Kris­ten’s Pre­ten­tious Meat­loaf *********** Since…


a sleep­over hol­i­day, Belle­hop and Litchfield

Well, John’s par­ents have flown away, sad­ly. We’re hud­dling around a roar­ing fire, believe it or not, in August! Avery’s tack­ling the home­work her teachers…


of bar­gain lunch­es and such

Avery’s grand­fa­ther is nap­ping, Avery and her grand­moth­er are lying on the tram­po­line far down the lawn between the pond and the stream, John’s deep…