Yearly Archive: 2007


when cats make friends (and I make Stroganoff)

Well, the pace of life is ratch­et­ing up as it does dur­ing this fes­tive, con­fus­ing, pres­suris­ing and love­ly sea­son! Tacy has cho­sen her own inimitable…


are you sit­ting down? it hap­pened AGAIN

Can I just say? I of course must leave the Maryle­bone High Street now and then, I sup­pose: to eat, sleep, see my fam­i­ly, suchlike.…


the mad­ness of mid­dle school choice

Well, it’s offi­cial: my last hope of remain­ing above the fray in this “11+ exam” insan­i­ty has been lost like a sock in the dryer.…