Monthly Archive: October 2008


A Day in Bath (and a tru­ly great side dish)

Good­ness, we’re wiped out. Just a short trip to Bath, a lit­tle lunch, a lit­tle shop­ping, quite a LOT of walk­ing, and a day full…


the­atre of the absurd

I am con­cen­trat­ing on this love­ly pho­to­graph as proof that by the din­ner hour, my house­hold is always quite peace­ful. I need this reas­sur­ance today…


get­ting back to normal

Yes, John’s on an air­plane, Avery’s at the sta­ble, I’m at my desk: life has got back to nor­mal in an unnec­es­sar­i­ly deci­sive way. I’ve…