Monthly Archive: January 2009


this usurped beard”

An amaz­ing night at the Don­mar, watch­ing Derek Jaco­bi as Malvo­lio (the yel­low stock­ings! the smile!) in his ele­ment, in an unex­pect­ed comedic turn in…


what I did­n’t know about artichokes

Have you ever eat­en an arti­choke? You get one point if you have eat­en an arti­choke in what I may call “dip-form.” I can account…


he’s done it

What a com­plete­ly thrilling after­noon and evening for us here in Lon­don, watch­ing our love­ly man become Pres­i­dent. Eng­land is so excit­ed! Europe is thrilled,…