Monthly Archive: January 2011


the best sauce for fish *ever*

Isn’t it nice to try some­thing new now and again?  Believe me, I am all for cook­ing the same things over and over, espe­cial­ly in…


Brill with Beurre Noisette Sauce

Brill With Beurre Noisette Sauce (serves 4) 4 fil­lets skin­less brill 1/2 cup/110 grams salt­ed but­ter hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped 2 tbsps whole capers fresh black…


get­ting through January

Have I aged over the last 21 years?  What do you think?  In response to an implic­it chal­lenge from my age­less bud­dy Alyssa, who posted…