Brill with Beurre Noisette Sauce

Brill With Beurre Noisette Sauce

(serves 4)

4 fil­lets skin­less brill

1/2 cup/110 grams salt­ed butter

hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped

2 tbsps whole capers

fresh black pepper

a cou­ple of drops lemon juice

This sauce is intend­ed for grilled, broiled or sauteed brill, or any oth­er del­i­cate white fish like lemon or Dover sole, sea bream or even tilapia.  Sim­ply pre­pare the fish, and pour over the sauce.

To make the sauce, melt the but­ter in a saucepan and let sit for a moment.  Skim off any of the white solids that may lay on top, then pour the clear, pure but­ter into anoth­er saucepan, leav­ing behind the white solids in the bot­tom.  This is clar­i­fied but­ter, or “ghee” as it is known in Indi­an cuisine.

Now sim­ply add all the oth­er ingre­di­ents and heat the sauce through until ready for use.

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