Monthly Archive: August 2012


Olimpia’s Green Veg­etable Campanelle

Olimpia’s Green Veg­etable Cam­pan­elle (serves about 6–8) 3 tbsps olive oil 4 leeks 4 cloves gar­lic 1 large bunch aspara­gus, cut in 2‑inch pieces 3/4 cup baby peas pinch…


August beau­ty

Here I sit on my sun­ny ter­race, feast­ing my eyes on this gor­geous crop of toma­toes, a gift from old friends with a fab­u­lous garden,…


life enhancers

Life – at least, MY life – is made up of a cast of char­ac­ters.  Some walk onto the stage to pro­vide dra­ma, to advance…