Olimpia’s Green Veg­etable Campanelle

Olimpia’s Green Veg­etable Cam­pan­elle

(serves about 6–8)

3 tbsps olive oil

4 leeks

4 cloves garlic

1 large bunch aspara­gus, cut in 2‑inch pieces

3/4 cup baby peas

pinch chopped mint (option­al)

1 cup dry white wine

veg­etable or chick­en stock (about 4 cups, enough to ful­ly cook the noodles)

1 pound cam­pan­elle noo­dles (bell-shaped!)

1 cup grat­ed Parmesan

Heat the oil until shim­mer­ing.  Wash the white and light green parts of the leeks and cut them in 1/2 inch slices.  Add to the oil and cook until very soft and browned.  Add gar­lic and aspara­gus and peas, plus mint if using, and stir well.  Remove to a bowl.

In the remain­ing oil, stir the dry pas­ta until coat­ed.  Add the wine all at once, and cook until wine is absorbed by noo­dles.  Add the stock one cup at a time, stir­ring in between until the noo­dles are com­pletely cooked.  Add the cheese and stir well, then add the veg­eta­bles and stir well..  Serve hot.

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