Chick­en Sal­ad with Bas­mati Rice, Arti­chokes, Pinenuts and Courgettes

(serves 8)

3 bone­less, skin­less chick­en breasts
2 tbsps olive oil
1 tsp Fox Point seasoning
2 cups bas­mati rice, steamed in 1 1/2 cups water
2 heads Boston let­tuce, well trimmed and leaves separated
1 large globe artichoke
2 stalks cel­ery, chopped
1 cup pinenuts, light­ly toasted
2 medi­um cour­gettes (zuc­chi­ni), cut into bite-size batons
1 red onion, diced
2 cloves gar­lic, minced with salt and lemon juice
juice and zest of 1 lemon
hand­ful chives, chopped
hand­ful fresh dill, chopped

dress­ing (option­al):
2 tbsps mayonnaise
1 tbsp olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp bal­sam­ic vinegar

Saute the chick­en breasts in a large fry­ing pan with the oil and Fox Point, till just cooked. Don’t over­cook. Slice thin and set aside to cool, reserv­ing the sea­soned oil in the fry­ing pan.

Steam rice and set aside to cool.

Line a large bowl (or cham­ber pot) with leaves of Boston let­tuce, just the sweet inner leaves. In a sep­a­rate large bowl, mix all the ingre­di­ents (includ­ing chick­en and rice) for the sal­ad and toss well. Add the sea­soned juicy oil from the chick­en pan and as much of the dress­ing (or none) as you like and mix well.

Arrange the sal­ad in the bowl lined with let­tuce leaves and serve with baguette slices, rolls, or as my moth­er did, but­tered biscuits.

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