Grilled Flank Steak with Gin­ger and Lime

Grilled Flank Steak with Gin­ger and Lime
(serves 8 with lots of leftovers)

3 flank steaks weigh­ing 1 1/2 lbs each
2‑inch knob gin­ger, peeled and minced
5 cloves gar­lic, peeled and minced
juice and zest of 2 limes
2 tbsps sesame oil
3 tbsps soy sauce

Mix all mari­nade ingre­di­ents and slather over the flank steaks on both sides. Grill at a medi­um-high heat (375 degrees on a propane-fired grill) for 7 min­utes per side for medi­um rare. Let rest for at least 5 min­utes before slic­ing thin; lots of juices will accu­mu­late. And here’s a hint: after you slice it, serve with the accu­mu­lat­ed juices poured over the top.

2 Responses

  1. Sarah reetz says:

    This is mak­ing my mouth water. One ques­tion: how long do you mar­i­nate the meat for?

  2. kristen says:

    This is so strange, Sarah — I just now got this com­ment! Try mar­i­nat­ing the meat for at least two hours. Sor­ry for the delay in answering!

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