

(serves 10–12)

4 large pota­toes, peeled

3 medi­um eggplants/aubergines

olive oil to drizzle

sea salt and fresh black pepper

2 tbsps veg­etable oil

1 lb/450g lamb mince

1 large white onion, chopped

4 cloves gar­lic, fine­ly chopped

sea salt and fresh black pep­per to taste

1/2 cup/125 ml red wine

1/2 cup/125 ml toma­to puree

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1 large hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped

3 tbsps butter

2 tbsps flour

4 cups/1 litre whole milk

1 bay leaf

1/2 tsp fresh ground nutmeg

sea salt and fresh black pepper

1 cup/250g fresh ricotta

1/2 cup grat­ed parme­san or pecorino

I know this looks like a mas­sive list of ingre­di­ents!  But trust me when I say that the actu­al cook­ing of the recipe is just a series of sim­ple steps, and an assem­bly job.

First, put the pota­toes on to boil.  Be ready to retrieve them when they are soft­ened but not mushy, in about 25 min­utes, depend­ing on their size.

Slice the aubergines in 1/2 inch slices.  Driz­zle light­ly with olive oil, sprin­kle with salt and pep­per.  Bake in a hot oven, 425F/220C, for about 20 min­utes, until browned.

Heat the veg­etable oil in a large fry­ing pan.  Fry lamb mince until near­ly cooked through, then add onion and gar­lic and fry until veg­eta­bles are soft­ened.  Sea­son to taste and set aside.

In a medi­um bowl, mix the wine, toma­to puree, cin­na­mon and chopped pars­ley.  Mix into the lamb and cook over a medi­um-high heat.  Cook, stir­ring fre­quent­ly, until the liq­uid has reduced and the mix­ture is an agree­able, saucy texture.

Mean­while, in a large saucepan, melt but­ter and flour togeth­er and cook until bub­bly.  Grad­u­al­ly whisk in milk, then add bay leaf, nut­meg, sea­son­ings and ricot­ta.  Cook until bub­bling again.

When pota­toes are cooked, drain them and slice into 1/2 inch slices.

To assem­ble mous­sa­ka: in a large, deep casse­role dish, lay the pota­to slices in an even lay­er.  Top with aubergine slices.  Pour the lamb mix­ture over and spread it even­ly.  Pour the milk mix­ture and top with grat­ed cheese.

Bake at 350F/180C for 1 hour.  Rest the mous­sa­ka for 15 min­utes before serving.

This dish freezes beau­ti­ful­ly, and is even bet­ter the sec­ond day.  Feel free to serve at room tem­per­a­ture or hot.


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