Two Pas­ta Dish­es in One Evening:

Two Pas­ta Dish­es in One Evening:
Scal­lops with Fresh Herbs and Olive Oil AND
Lin­guine with Bre­sao­la and Mozzarella

(serves two adults and one anti-scal­lop child)

3/4 pound linguine

1/2 cup olive oil
5 cloves gar­lic, minced
sprin­kle red chillis
12 scal­lops, mus­cle and roe removed (don’t like roe, sorry)
large hand­ful pars­ley, chopped
1/2 cup fresh bread­crumbs, toast­ed in the oven till crispy

4 slices bre­sao­la, sliced in slivers
1 ball moz­zarel­la, cubed very small or shredded
parme­san cheese to grate over

So, boil your pas­ta water and put in the lin­guine. Now, you have 11 min­utes to work with. Warm the olive oil in a medi­um saucepan and add gar­lic and chill­is and siz­zle until gar­lic cooks gen­tly. Turn up heat and add scal­lops turn­ing con­stant­ly and cov­er­ing with hot oil until cooked, about 3 min­utes. Take off the heat and stir your pas­ta. When the pas­ta is done, put the scal­lops back on the heat and add the pars­ley, drain the pas­ta, and have two hot bowls ready: put most of the lin­guine in a big one for the scal­lops, and the rest in a small one for the bre­sao­la. Imme­di­ate­ly throw the scal­lops and oil on the big bowl, and add the bread­crumbs. Throw the bre­sao­la and moz­zarel­la on the small­er dish of pas­ta. Toss both thoroughly.

Voila. Every­one’s happy.

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