Stillmead­ow Spe­cial Hamburger

Stillmead­ow Spe­cial Hamburger
(serves four generously)

Take ground beef or ham­burg­er [about a pound and a half] and pat half of it into a round cake tin. Spread it well with pre­pared mus­tard, salt and pep­per, and lay thin slices of onion over it. Then lay slices of toma­to over that, and slices of sweet green pep­per. Put anoth­er lay­er of meat on top for a lid, with a slice of toma­to on the top.

Bake in a mod­er­ate oven (350 degrees) until the meat is thor­ough­ly done [45 min­utes]. This is an easy and won­der­ful­ly good dish. The onion and toma­to cook into the meat and the juice that comes out is rich and brown. Be sure to use a deep cake pan.

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