Home-Minced Chick­en Burgers

Home-Minced Chick­en Burgers


4 large chick­en breast fil­lets, skin removed

8 ounces/225g herbed goat cheese (Boursin, for example)

6 spring onions, green parts only, minced

4 tbsps mayonnaise

fresh black pepper

moz­zarel­la to top burg­ers: 1 slice per burger

Trim the chick­en fil­lets very well, remov­ing any fat, sinews and the ten­don in the ten­der­loin.  Cut into large chunks and either pulse in the food proces­sor or put through a mincer/grinder until medi­um-fine in tex­ture.  If you are using a food proces­sor, aim for a tex­ture that avoids vis­i­ble chick­en chunks, but also does not descend into any­thing like a paste.  Try for the tex­ture of ready-ground beef.

Mix all ingre­di­ents except moz­zarel­la in a large bowl.  Form into four burgers.

Grill on medi­um heat (350F/180C if you can get your grill that spe­cif­ic) for six min­utes per side, or until cooked through.  In the last two min­utes of cook­ing time, add the moz­zarel­la to each burg­er.  If you are using buns, also toast these on the coolest part of the grill dur­ing those last two minutes.

4 Responses

  1. John's Mom says:

    As it turns out, I can vouch for these, hav­ing just been at your table. Add some cole slaw (there must be a recipe for that) and sweet corn. Din­ner done. Deliciously.

    John’s Mom

  2. kristen says:

    Work­ing on a cole slaw dress­ing recipe right now! xx

  3. John's Mom says:

    Any­one know why it is “cole slaw?” I could google it, but this is much more fun.

    John’s Mom

  4. kristen says:

    I do know the answer to this! It’s an angli­cized ver­sion of the Dutch word for “cab­bage sal­ad,” some­thing like “kool­sla.” I think what makes it s fun­ny word is that one would rather say “cold slaw” since it is.

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